Cine Odeon
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Back to Cinelandia, this time I was interested on the beautiful façade of Cine Odeon and the busy square in front of it.
This is one of the most traditional Rio de Janeiro`s movie theatres and it is great to know that it was completelly restored.
Cine Odeon- sandra nunes - o/c 46X61cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 4:33 PM 2 comments
Labels: cine odeon, cinelandia, cityscape, oil painting, Old Rio, plein air painting, rio de janeiro landscape, Sanda Nunes
Mahatma Ghandi Square
Friday, December 17, 2010
This composition had been playing inside of me for some time and finally I had all set to put it on the canvas.
Armed with a 90x140 cm canvas , large tubes of paint and my master painting equipment I headed downtown to Mahatma Gandhi square on a Saturday morning.
I´ve chosen this day as there are not all that people milling around as on weekdays.
Working outdoors with that dimensions can be a a bit more complex and there´s a greater need to keep focused for longer periods.
Well, the first surprise was to learn that the square was closed that day (besides being Saturday, it was holiday), but thanks to the security guard on duty, I got permission to start my work and so I had the square all to myself.
Well , I positioned my easel where I had planned. Started with the general lines ...
and then the second surprise ... I forgot the palette!
At that time I couldn´t even think about going back to get it. The late spring sun had already announced that the day would be really warm and the light was changing very quickly. What to do? I looked around, everything was clean, newly cut grass, flowers sprouting ... I walked around without hope of finding something to substitute my palette ... then I saw my salvation behind a bush : a large empty cooking oil can!
(ok don´t ask me why this can was there)
my bench studio-sandra nunes
I didn´t think twice, that was the palette I needed and fortunatelly I could give the first strokes of this painting...
Mahatma ghandi first strokes
Mahatma Ghandi Square-oil on linen 90x140cm-Sandra Nunes
Posted bySandra Nunes at 10:39 PM 6 comments
Labels: cinelandia, mahatma ghandi square.monroe palace, oil painting, plein air painting, rio de janeiro painting, Sandra Nunes, urbanscapes, water fountain
Vitoria Regia - Victoria Amazonica
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Star of the waters
Blooming of Vitoria Regia in Rio de Janeiro Botanic Garden
This time in a large format...
Vitoria Regia -Sandra Nunes - oil on canvas 73x92cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Church of Our Lady of Glory
Friday, November 26, 2010
This beautiful catholic church was built at the end of the 19th Century. Its cornerstone was set by Emperor Peter II, it is located at Largo do Machado, a nice square surronded by centennial leafy trees.
Our Lady of Glory - Sandra Nunes oil on canvas 73x54cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Candelaria church, largo do machado, oil on canvas, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes, urbanscapes
Stroll in Copacabana Fortress
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Long time without posting, but I intend to catch up in a near future,
Stroll in Copacabana Fortess- Sandra Nunes-
oil on linen 54x46cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: beach painting, Copacabana, guanabara bay, plein air painting, rio de janeiro landscape, Sandra Nunes
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Cinelandia, a square downtown Rio , is a never ending inspiration. Leafy trees, people milling around and the most beautiful architetonic group of the city!
Cinelandia oil on linen 60x80cm -Sandra Nunes
sandra nunes painting downtown
It really requires a lot of concentration to paint downtown...
Posted bySandra Nunes at 2:15 PM 8 comments
Carioca Impressions - Solo Show
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Solo Show at Castelinho 38 Gallery
Well, the show came to its end and I´ve been working sending paintings to their new homes. Some happy collectors had already received theirs and others will get them soon. It was a great experience to meet old friends, get to know several silent blog followers and be able to join some names to real faces.
It is amazing the feeling of connection brought by art which links people who otherwise would be perfect strangers.
Some collectors and friends
Some paintings are travelling a long distance...
Australian Collectors
Castelinho38 gallery was a perfect place for this exhibition, a beautiful archtecture in a quiet street of Santa Teresa and a very friendly staff
You can view some other special moments of the exhibit in the slideshow in the sidebar or here
Posted bySandra Nunes at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: castelinho38, chavemestra, plein air painting, rio de janeiro landscape, Sandra Nunes, Santa Teresa
Worldwide Paint Out 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
This year we headed downtown and gathered in Cinelândia, a beautiful square surrounded by important buildings such as Fine Arts National Museum, Municipal Theatre and National Library. We were blessed with a sunny morning and a nice late winter temperature .Coordinated by IPAP(International Plein Air Painters) this event hapens every year.
It turns out that the paint out is also a special day here, when we meet friends and make new ones. This year we had the presence of a virtual friend from São Paulo (400 km from Rio) and from Campos dos Goytacazes (more than 300km far from Rio)
The paintings will be in a show at Brazilian Fine Arts Society.
Posted bySandra Nunes at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: cinelandia, IPAP, plein air painting, Sandra Nunes, worldwide paint out
Carioca Impressions - Solo show
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I´m proud to announce the opening of my upcoming solo show "Carioca Impressions"
It will be part of a great event in Rio de Janeiro´s Cultural calendar :Arte de Portas Abertas- "Open doors Studio"
My show will be held in Castelinho 38 gallery, a charming and cosy building well located in a quiet street in Santa Teresa. It will showcase my recent paintings emphasizing my on-going Santa Teresa Collections.
If you happen to be in the area , drop in. I´ll be happy to meet you there!Here is the place where the show will be held, I could not resist this bright morning light hitting the side wall and peaking through the castle towers:
castelinho 38 -oil on canvas 41x33cm sandra nunes
Posted bySandra Nunes at 7:10 AM 2 comments
Labels: Arte de Portas abertas, chave mestra, oil on canvss, plein air paintings, Rio de janeiro landscapes, sandranunes, Santa Teresa, santa teresa tram
My Backyard
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Botafogo Cove Sandra Nunes o/c 40x60cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: brazilian artist, oil on canvas, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes
Largo do Boticario 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
This was the painting I was working on when I was interviewed by brazilian newspaper, Jornal do Brasil
Largo do Boticario Sandra Nunes o/c 54x65cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Corcovado, cosme velho, laranjeiras, largo do boticario, Old Rio, plein air painting, Sandra Nunes
Featured in Brazilian Newspaper!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Back to Largo do Boticario
I was featured in Brazilian Newspaper- Jornal do Brasil- about preserving the Historic National heritage !
Last week I went back to Largo do Boticario, the same place where I painted a series of plein air studies which were inspiration for the Large Panel I had been comissioned then.
To my disapointment the scenery was completely different.
To my friends who can´t read Portuguese; It is about the need to preserve our architectural heritage and the neglect this Rio de Janeiro hidden gem is suffering...About me and my feelings regarding this situation translated on canvas.
please,click and zoom in to read the article...
Posted bySandra Nunes at 4:20 PM 2 comments
Labels: brazilian artist, Brazilian Landscapes, jornal do brasil, largo do boticario, Old Rio, plein air painting, Sandra Nunes
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Well, since my last post, a lot have been happening. Life is not linear What to post now? Where to start? I´m back from a trip to the old world where I could meet again some of my favorite Masters.No modern reproduction comes close to the impact of an original painting, not only colors, but brushstrokes, line drawing...
Altogether with the scenery,people, smells, sounds from these countries all the impressions are recorded in my soul, no photo will tell the truth of my eyes.
I must paint it, stay tuned!
Meanwhile,one of my paintings was selected for a group show about Rio de Janeiro Landscape I´ll post the painting and the details soon, it was sent to the contest while I was out, no time to photograph it...and yet there´s a local show coming this September...
Talking about non linear time, this painting was from the view I used to have from my previous studio, (now it´s slightly different...)
Botafogo Cove- Sandra Nunes oil on canvas 100 x 72 cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Church Backyard
Thursday, April 29, 2010
These centennial buildings in the church backyard reminds us of a bygone era...
Church Backyard - heavy body acrylic on linen 46x55cm Sandra Nunes
Posted bySandra Nunes at 11:48 AM 6 comments
Labels: funicular da glória, Old Rio, outeiro da gloria, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes
April Waters
Thursday, April 8, 2010
April Waters
This is the first post in this blog without pictures, without paintings...The city of Rio de Janeiro is now submerged in a sea of mud, huge old trees thrown on the ground, flooded roads, many lives are being cut short, taken by the force of water coming down the slopes...
No images and no more words by now...
Posted bySandra Nunes at 10:48 PM 2 comments
Labels: brazilian slidemud, flood, pleinair painting, riode janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes
Gone to the Beach
Sunday, February 28, 2010
It´s still too warm for plein air painting here. It seems temps are not going to change so soon. I knew I wouldn´t stand the heat for a long time, so I went to the beach with my smallest pochade box . Maybe I´ll approach this subject with a larger canvas in the future...
Gone to the beach - oil on panel 16x22 cm - Sandra Nunes
Posted bySandra Nunes at 2:42 PM 3 comments
Labels: beach, brazilian artist, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, rio_das_ostras, Sandra Nunes, seascapes
Summer Hiatus
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Urca, Portugal Avenue
New Year, new projects, new paintings...
It´s hard to believe that it´s already February and that it has been more than one month since my last post. Rio de Janeiro is experiencing extremely high temperatures, it´s a though season for plein air painting. I need to slow down the pace and stablish strategies to cope with the unbearable heat.
Once more I went to Urca district in search of shade and of a refreshing breeze from the sea. Strolling through Portugal Avenue this Flamboyant in bloom called my attention, suggesting an harmonious composition with the sunlight bathing the colorful walls.
Portugal Avenue-Urca - Sandra Nunes o/c 50x70cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 5:41 AM 2 comments
Labels: Brazilian Landscapes, flamboyant_tree, oil painting, oil_on_canvas, plein_air_painting, rio_de_janeiro_landscapes, sandranunes