2012 last pastel strokes - Happy New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Last day of the year , the weather is unbelievably hot in Rio, too much for plein air painting. So, I went to the studio, the idea was to organize a bit of the mess in order to start fresh the new year.
But I could not resist the appeal of my Christmas poinsettias in a green vase...
Poinsettias in a green vase -sandra nunes-
soft pastels on wallis 40 x 30 cm

Posted bySandra Nunes at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: floral painting, impressionistic painting, plein air painting, poinsettias, Sandra Nunes, soft pastels, wallis paper
It is a new day!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Posted bySandra Nunes at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: barara da tijuca, impressionism, marine painting, plein air painting, rio de janeiro paintings, rio de janeiro seascape, Sandra Nunes
Pedra Bonita!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
After a pleasant hiking uphill our senses are blessed with a breathtaking view
At some point I´m so integrated tha I become part of the scenery!
Posted bySandra Nunes at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: impressionism, impressionist painting, oil on canvas, pedra bonita, pedra da gávea, plenair painting, rio de janeiro landscape, Sandra Nunes
Laranjeiras Palace
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
From a borrowed window...
Laranjeiras Palace- Sandra nunes- o/c 60 x 80 cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: impressionism, laranjeiras palace, oil on canvas, palácio laranjeiras, parque guinle, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes
Sunrise - Albamar
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Watching the first lights from this spot is a breathtaking experience!
Sunrise -sandra nunes- oil on canvas 50x90 cm

Posted bySandra Nunes at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: albamar, impressionism, impressionist painting, marine painting, oil on canvas, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes, sunrise impression
Largo de São Francisco
Sunday, October 21, 2012
I love watching people downtown milling around...
This is an old Catholic Church dedicated to Saint Francis, it is beautiful outside and inside as well.
It is located at Rio´s historic center .
Saint Francis Church- sandra nunes- oil on canvas 46x38 cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: impressionism, oil paint, old rio de janeiro, plein air painting, Saint Francis church, Sandra Nunes, urban painting
Café do Forte
Thursday, October 4, 2012
This was done during the Worldwide Paint Out at Forte de Copacabana. I wanted to capture the colorful and gay atmosphere of that Sunday morning!![]() |
Café do Forte- Sandra Nunes. oil on panel 27x35cm |

Posted bySandra Nunes at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: alla prima, Copacabana, forte de copacabana, impressionism, oil on canvas, plein air painting, posto seis, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes, worldwide paint out
Worldwide Paint Out - Rio de Janeiro 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Posted bySandra Nunes at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Copacabana, forte de copacabana, oil on canvas, plein air painting, posto seis, rio de janeiro landscape, Sandra Nunes, tintas corfix, worldwide paint out
Late afternoon in Santa Teresa
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
And Spring is almost here...
Santa Teresa late afternoon- Sandra Nunes o/c 46x61cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: joaquim murtinho street, missing tram, oil on canvas, plein air painting, rio de janero landscape, Sandra Nunes, Santa Teresa
Tram in Focus/ The last trip
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Posted bySandra Nunes at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: almirante alexandrino street, centro culltural laurinda santos lobo, chavemestra, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes, santa teresa tram
Rio de Janeiro World Heritage
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
It´s a real treat to be a plein air painter in such a beautiful city! This short video is a selection of pictures taken during the creative process of the painting "Rio de Janeiro Skyline".This time I worked on a oil on canvas dipitch 40 cm x 2.00 m. Working en plein air on these dimensions was a great challenge and, I must say, I loved it!
turn on the sound and watch in HD
Special thanks to Beto Bassoth, a passer by who sent some pictures he took of me.
Posted bySandra Nunes at 4:57 PM 2 comments
Labels: baia da guanabara corcovado, oil painting, plein air painting, rio de janeiro landscape, Rio de Janeiro world heritage, Sandra Nunes, Seascape
Sketching my bike
Friday, August 10, 2012
I went to the sea riding my bike with my smallest pochade box. My intention was to sketcth a beach scene...Getting there the red flag immediately caught my attention, so I parked nearby started to set up my painting gear and I had no doubt about what to sketch yesterday...
My bike-Sandra Nunes -o/p 22x16cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: bike painting, marine painting. plein air painting, oil on panel, Rio de Janeiro, Sandra Nunes
Santa Teresa Open Studios
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
During the event this year I´ll be showing some recent works at Centro Cultural Laurinda Santos Lobo, Monte Alegre Street 308, Santa Teresa.
If you are in Rio, stop by! It will be a pleasure to meet you on July 6th 7th and 8th from 11 am to 6 pm!
You can win an original Sandra Nunes oil painting participating of the event´s sponsors promotion

Posted bySandra Nunes at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: chavemestra, oil painting, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes, santa teresa tram, tramway
Misty Blue
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
I love these misty winter sunrises over Guanabara Bay!
misty blue -Sandra Nunes oil on canvas 30 x50 cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 4:34 PM 2 comments
Labels: guanabara bay, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes, seascapes, Urca
Largo do Machado
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
These late autumn days unpredictable weather makes plein air painting a hard task. A day may start with a beautiful sunrise and then become cold, cloudy or even rainy.
I intended to head to the waterfront, paint some boats, waves...but considering the possibility of a sudden change, I decided for a urban composition as in case of raining it is easier to find shelter under some awning.
That proved to be the right choice as the rain really came down at the end.
Largo do Machado - Sandra Nunes - o/c 40 x 60 cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: brazilian artist, catete, contemporary landscape paintings, plein air painting, pleinair painting demo, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes
The undertow
Sunday, May 27, 2012
This week undertow provided an excellent opportunity to study the hypnotic rythm of the waves...
The undertow -sandra nunes - oil on panel
Posted bySandra Nunes at 8:09 PM 2 comments
Labels: beach painting, guanabara bay, marine painting, oil on canvas, plein air painting, rio de janeiro seascape, Sandra Nunes, undertow, waves
Marina da Glória
Monday, May 21, 2012
The exquisite light of an overcast day...
Marina da Glória -sandra nunes- ost 46x61cm

Posted bySandra Nunes at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: baía da guanabara, boats, Marina da Gloria, marine painting, plein air painting, rio de janeiro landscape, Sandra Nunes
Painting Abroad
Monday, April 16, 2012
Painting in Istanbul
What a city!
View from Pierre Loti- Sandra Nunes oil on canvas board 16x22cm
P. S. So much time without posting here and now I find out that my website is not working abroad, I ask my international friends a bit of patience, it will be fixed soon.
Posted bySandra Nunes at 4:50 PM 5 comments
Labels: istanbul, oil on canvas, pierre loti, plein air painting, Sandra Nunes
Sketching Boats
Friday, February 24, 2012
Now that summer is really here, the way to the waterfront with my pochade box is a natural choice. I had the right time to sketch these boats till the owner of one of them arrived to take it to the sea.
He is a very kind gentleman who even offered to take my picture!
Boat study- Sandra Nunes - o/p 14 x22cm
Sketching boats
Posted bySandra Nunes at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Facebook page or Blog?
Sunday, February 19, 2012
The last tram - Sandra Nunes oil on canvas 22 x 27 cm
This blog has emerged as an alternative and / or attachment to my official page on the web. At that time it was seen as a more dynamic way to keep the page updated, posting works and events as they were created.
With the growth of social networks and the possibility of creating professional pages, the dynamics of the blog has given way to the almost instantaneous effect of the new media, reaching a wider audience more quickly.
Well, why these considerations on carnival?
It turns out that, as it can be noticed here on the right side where it says "Facebook Page" there´s a message that leads nowhere. My professional page on facebook has just vanished into cyberspace!
Do not ask me why because I have no answer, I apologize for my absence to friends who followed the latest posts there and meanwhile I´ll try to update here.
And speaking of absence, I´m posting this painting as a tribute to the tram driver who used to give a quick stop to watch me painting in Santa Teresa (Mr Nelson) and the missing cable car on this Carnival.
An update on this post: After some emails sent ...My facebook page is up again! Thanks facebook team! check it at: https://www.facebook.com/sandranunes.art
Posted bySandra Nunes at 6:44 AM 2 comments
Labels: blog, bonde de santa teresa, carnival in rio, facebook, paisagem do rio de janeiro, plein air paintings, Sandra Nunes, santa teresa tram, social networks
Carnival in Rio - No tram
Friday, February 17, 2012
From today till tuesday Rio de Janeiro becomes a ball room. This year Santa Teresa suffers from the absence of our charming tram.
Carnival in Santa Teresa -Sandra Nunes oil on canvas 46x38cm
Posted bySandra Nunes at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: carnival in rio, oil painting, plein air painting, Rio de janeiro landscapes, Sandra Nunes, santa teresa tram